It’s about 12:30 am and I just realized that it’s now November 24th and it’s my 30th wedding anniversary. Who would have thought that the marriage of two 19-year-olds would last this long? I just can’t believe how God has blessed me.
I love the guy that God gave to me—he’s funny and always makes me laugh
He’s a loving father and grandfather
Finally, he loves me, despite my imperfections
Happy 30th Anniversary to my best friend and husband. I look forward to spending many more years with you! I love you!
Matthew 19:5-6, “…a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”“
Copyright © 2014 Dr. M. Teresa Trascritti
Tagged: anniversay, blessed, celebrate, God, husband and wife, love, marriage